Each class I teach is unique. I honor and respect each soul and personality that steps into my classroom. I enjoy observing the personalities that answer the call to learn this modality. I enjoy creating a space where connections are made on a personal and/or professional level. Together we create a community, a safe place, where it becomes natural to share your journey with others. In the past, each group that I have brought through classes formed unique and forever bonds - they become - family. These will be the people you will be spending several months with together learning, sharing, and encouraging each other. A lot happens to each of us in an 8-9 month period of time. Some of my most rewarding moments in teaching are observing the transformation in my students as they learn to step into their own power and find out just how gifted and amazing they are. If I had one word to describe foot zone class it would be - Empowering.

More about Classes
I offer 2 Courses: Reflexology Made Simple© and a Full Foot Zone Certification Course. Both courses are offered Online and/or In-Person. You can even do a little bit of both. Once purchased you can attend any in-person class I teach for free and have access to the online instruction, lectures, and videos for life.
The curriculum is dedicated to giving you the education you need to acquire the skills necessary to simply help your family and friends by accessing the body systems through the feet and/or creating an opportunity to work as a practitioner and begin your own business. I will work with and mentor you as you go along and give you feedback and ideas to do both.
The curriculum includes:
Learning 200+ reflex access points on the feet with the complete, detailed foot zone on all TEN areas of the feet. Which includes the following powerful specialty zones:
Expectant mothers | Newborns | Postpartum | Three resets for the vagus nerve (the fight-or-flight response) | A quick condensed foot zone for maximum flexibility and impact in any situation!
Understand the body systems as we study anatomy and physiology
Learn more about how foot zoning can access not only the Physical part of you but also the Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.
Learn the basics of using essential oils
Learn how to muscle test (applied kinesiology), and how to use it for health-related purposes
Learn how to shift blocked energy and find stored or trapped emotions in the body.
Learn about chakras and color therapy
Understand the Vagus Nerve (polyvagal system) and how to calm anxiety and fear
Feel confident in offering a foot zone to family and friends or begin your own practice
Option 1: REFLEXOLOGY MADE SIMPLE© COURSE - Online or In-person ($397)
For the parent wanting to arm themself with more knowledge to help their family find rest and repair
This class offers a simple treatment through the feet that covers every part of the body. You will be able to access and signal healing to every system of the body and create an environment for the body to balance. This is a 20-30 minute treatment that gives you everything you need to help your loved ones.
You will learn how to access the body through the pressure points and signals in the feet, and the history of foot zoning/reflexology. We will go over basic anatomy, techniques, and movements so that you will feel confident as you assist and help your loved ones. There is no greater feeling than when you know you have some tools in your tool belt to help those closest to you. If at a later date, you decide you would like to enroll in the full certification class you will receive a discount (the price you paid for RMS), which will be applied at registration.
Option 2: FOOT ZONE CERTIFICATION COURSE - Online or In-person ($3900)
The Foot Zone Certification Course begins with the first class learning Reflexology Made Simple with the following weeks/modules going into greater depth and more detailed and advanced signals or relex points. This course is 7 months long for in-person learning. When learning online you can go at your own pace, but I suggest that you take time in between each module to perfect and understand the concepts and techniques before you move on to the next module.
In the Certification Course I go into more detail on pretty much everything concerning foot zoning. We really get into fully understanding the foot zone and its applications. You will also become part of a community of foot zoners and have access to monthly Q&A calls and continuing education lectures and information.
Requirements for graduation or certification:
Attending class once a month, or for online learning, completing each module or class.
Committing to practicing the foot zone for a couple of hours each week on yourself, family, or friends.
This class meets all requirements for the State of Utah, which means that you can access the feet specifically without needing a massage license. If you live outside of Utah you will need to check the regulations of your state.
$300 Registration + $3600 = $3900 Total
Discounts below!
Registration & Book Fee = $300
Included: Books on emotions in the body connected to the foot zone, anatomy, a laminated and bound complete-zone-treatment book with detailed graphics and links to video demonstrations for each treatment, a student workbook, essential oils, towels, and salve. This also reserves your spot in class.
Tuition = $3,600
Included: Seven monthly classes in person and/or virtual, detailed lectures on anatomy and how it relates to the foot zone, and optional bonus mid-month Zoom calls for LIVE Q&A time.
PLUS! Access to me for as long as you have questions and you would like support from me. I love mentoring students. I have many students who audit classes too. Come to the whole series or pick and choose the specific classes you want to pop in for. You can audit as many times as you would like.
All of this includes evergreen access to materials (this means for as long as I am teaching, and so much more!!
Total: $3,900
- $250 off tuition--If paid in full by Class 2.
- Or choose nine interest-free monthly payments of $400 each.
- Already own Reflexology Made Simple? You receive a $350 credit toward tuition!
P.S. As soon as you complete Class 1, you may begin charging student rates for the foot zones you give! Many students make those monthly payments this way.
Anyone who has a desire to be more prepared. Anyone who wants to help members of their own family or even themselves. Going through the course means you are embarking on a healing journey as you learn and experience firsthand the wonderful miracles and benefits of the foot zone.
Come join me in classes today!
Call or text me at (801) 558-8375 to register and ask me more questions.
Shannon Powell
Are you considering becoming a Foot Zone Practitioner? If so, then Karen Hyatt is the teacher for you! She is loving, funny, interactive, intuitive and caring toward every student in her class. Karen is well-spoken and has a deep knowledge of foot zoning. In my experience, she won’t rest until you have all the information you’ve requested. In addition to all of the information you cover in the Foot Zone coursework, she provides countless detailed reference sheets that further explain and expand on what you are learning, all of which she has compiled herself over the years. I have an entire binder of amazing reference information on a myriad of subjects that are helpful to know when zoning. The support she provides you on your personal journey through the 9-month course is exceptional. Karen is a great teacher, cheerleader, and mentor and offers loving feedback on your progression through the program. Karen is a truly gifted Foot Zoner practitioner and instructor. I am very confident speaking on behalf of my whole graduating class that she is hands down the best in the business. I am grateful that she is in my life and love that she is now a part of my soul family.