My name is Karen Hyatt. I believe that healing is - a journey. Learning to navigate that journey can be a very rewarding endeavor. I take a very holistic approach to facilitate healing, meaning that it is important to consider each person as a whole - body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Our well-being and our general health depend not only on the physical, which is only one part of it but also on our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
In sessions, I enjoy creating a safe space for my clients and students. I will gently encourage them, share tools and ideas, and then observe as they learn to interpret the communication from their own body. My goal is always to empower and reflect back to my clients and students who they really are inside, which may be different than how they show up in the flesh.

What's a foot zone?
Foot zoning is the ability to tap into the entire body. There is a map of the body on the feet. When we access the feet we actually access the entire body.
Traditional East Asian foot reflexology has taught us that by accessing the energy meridians in our feet we can stimulate the signals, or pressure points, signaling to the cells to go back to their original state of vibration which will rejuvenate, restore & rebuild.
Foot Zone therapy as we know it today comes from Western Europe developed by Dr. Charles Ersdal. His technique has been widely used here in the US since the early 1970’s.
A foot zone is a beautiful way to bring balance back to into the body. During a foot zone, imbalances in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body can be addressed. If desired you will be given tools and prompts to help you take back control, to become empowered as you navigate your own healing journey
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